SunPath Lab on genomic TH

About the PI

Ruping Sun
Assistant Professor
Advanced Cancer Genomics and Bioinformatics
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Member of Masonic Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

@Sun_RupingGoogle Scholar

ruping at umn dot edu *

During my research tenure, I have developed considerable expertise in algorithm design and statistical analysis of (epi)genetic data, as well as in the computational modelling of cancer, such as gene regulatory circuits and cellular automata models. My unique experiences and quantitative training have enabled me to conduct impactful research at the interface of cancer genomics, computational and systems biology. My goal is to continue to develop algorithms and computational methods that advance a mechanistic understanding of tumor evolution and that are accessible and broadly utilized by the cancer biology community. Before joining UMN, I was an Instructor in Stanford Cancer Institute (Curtis lab). From 2013-2015, I was a postdoc in the Califano Lab in the Department of Systems Biology at Columbia University. From 2009-2013, I was a Research Fellow in the Vingron Department in Computational Molecular Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. I completed a Ph.D. in Genetics (2009) at Fudan University in Shanghai.